Ellen Gorus
Master in Clinical Psychology (2000)
Master in Gerontology (2002)
PhD in Gerontological Sciences (2007)
Teaching Activities:
Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy
Course titular:
Inleiding tot de biologische, sociale en psychologische gerontology [Introduction tot he biological, social and psychological gerontology]. (Master in Management, Zorg en Beleid in de Gerontologie)
Psychological fundaments of ageing. (Research Master in Gerontological Sciences)
Systematic literature review Part I. (Research Master in Gerontological Sciences)
Systematic literature review Part II. (Research Master in Gerontological Sciences)
Master thesis Part I. (Research Master in Gerontological Sciences)
Research domains:
Cognitive frailty
Active Ageing (in frail older persons)
eHealth and older persons
Research groups:
Frailty in Ageing (FRIA)
Ageing and Pathology
IRP Gerontopole Brussels: Centre of Expertise of Gerontology
PhD students
Roberta Vella-Azzopardi. Early determinants of frailty in community dwelling oldest old (80+). Promotoren: Beyer I, Gorus E, Van den Noortgate N (UGent) en Petrovic M (UGent).Joint PhD
Axelle Costenoble. Early functional and psychosocial markers of frailty in the oldest old. Promotoren: De Vriendt P, Gorus E, Verté D.
Samantha Dequanter. Knowledge and perceptions of eHealth solutions for older persons with mild cognitive problems and their informal caregivers. Promotoren: Buyl R, Gorus E. FWO bilaterale onderzoekssamenwerking met Canada.
Mary Edna Lamnteh. The relevance of the advanced activities of daily living (a-ADL) tool to the older Sub-Saharan African (SSA) and other older migrant populations in Belgium. Promotoren: De Vriendt P, Gorus E
Patricia De Vriendt (VUB, 2012). The usefulness of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health in geriatric assessment. Promotoren: Mets T en Gorus E.
Veerle Baert (VUB, 2015). Motivators and barriers for physical activity in the oldest old. Promotoren: Bautmans I en Gorus E.
Lien Van Malderen (VUB, 2016). Active Ageing within the residential care setting. Promotoren Gorus E, Mets T en Verté D. FWO-mandaat
Elise Cornelis (VUB, 2019). The development of an evaluation for activities of daily living (ADL), based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, as a diagnostic instrument in the geriatric population. Promotoren: De Vriendt P en Gorus E.
Laarbeeklaan 103
1090 Jette