Katarzyna (Kasia) Uzieblo
Kasia Uzieblo teaches criminological and forensic psychology at the department of Criminology (VUB). She is also a senior researcher at the research department of the Forensic Care Specialists (Van der Hoeven kliniek, Utrecht, Netherlands). Her main research interests are (1) the interpersonal behaviors in psychopathic individuals and the treatment of psychopathic patients, (2) the characteristics and underlying dynamics of sexual and domestic violence, and (3) the use(fulness) of assessment instruments for judicial purposes (e.g., risk assessment).
She has published various articles in scientific and professional journals as well as book chapters on the aforementioned topics. As an ardent advocate of evidence-based work in forensic psychiatry and justice, Kasia Uzieblo strives to create a wide range of training opportunities for practitioners. When she was employed as senior lecturer at the Thomas More University College in Antwerp, she founded the 2-year postgraduate course “Forensic psychological assessment and counseling”. Kasia Uzieblo has been organizing workshops and large-scale conferences on topics related to forensic psychology/psychiatry and investigative psychology ever since. She herself is affiliated with the training institute RINO (the Netherlands) as a trainer in the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) and the Static-Stable-Acute. She regularly gives lectures and trainings to practitioners, researchers, and students. Kasia Uzieblo is involved in several (inter)national academic and professional societies. She is the founder and current chair of the division Forensic Psychology of the Flemish Society of Clinical Psychologists (VVKP) and is currently a board member of NL-ATSA, a Dutch/Flemish association that is committed to the prevention of sexual violence, and the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy (SSSP). Kasia Uzieblo is also a member of the assessment team in the forensic psychiatric Van der Hoeven clinic (Utrecht, the Netherlands); in this capacity, she conducts risk and PCL-R assessments in forensic patients. She also performs psychological evaluations in court cases.
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Pleinlaan 2
1050 Elsene